September 25, 2019

Author argues identity politics has roots in the sexual revolution

In listening to the various manifestations of identity politics, I was struck by something else: Suffering. Rage. Despair.

Author argues identity politics has roots in the sexual revolution

For several years, following the discussion over identity politics, I kept feeling as if something were missing.

Conservatives and traditionalists tend to write off identity politics as the expression of “snowflakes,” or overly coddled youngsters. Liberals and progressives tend to embrace such politics as a way of attaining power.

In listening to the various manifestations of identity politics, I was struck by something else: Suffering. Rage. Despair. Watching footage of demonstrations by identity-first groups on campus, say, or reading the movement’s characteristically furious prose, I was impressed by how rancorous this phenomenon is – and how sad.

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