Explore upcoming events featuring Mary Eberstadt. Join us for book signings, talks, and discussions. Don’t miss the chance to engage directly and gain deeper insights into her work.
16-17: Signs of Cultural Renewal in 2025 in TN
10: “Catholics and Antisemitism—Facing the Past, Shaping the Future” at the Catholic Information Center from 1:15-6:00 PM EST.
21: Broadcast Interview, "Fr. Alexander Sherbrooke & Mary Eberstadt Talk the State of the West" , Catholic Information Center, Washington, D.C.
13: Keynote, "The World Is Vindicating the Church: Four Proofs," III International Congress for Marriage and Family, Nov. 13-15, Krakow, Poland
9: Speech, "Adam and Eve after the Pill: Politics, Society, and Christianity after the Sexual Revolution," Houghton University, New York
9: Speech, "Home Again: A Daughter of Upstate New York Describes Her Journey," Houghton University, New York
8: Speech, "Tour of the Cultural Horizon," Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit, Michigan
11: Speech at Formal Hall, Campion College, Australia
3: Broadcast interview with Peter Kurti on Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited, Centre for Independent Studies, Sydney, Australia
20: Speech, The Henkel Conference, Ascension Lutheran Church, Madison TN
14-20: Several lectures at the Tertio Millennio Seminar in Cracow, Poland
23: Emcee, poetry reading by Joseph Bottum, author, Spending the Winter: A Poetry Collection, and Poems Ancient and Modern. Institute on Religion and Democracy, Washington DC, 6 PM
21-22: Presentation, National Religious Broadcasters Convention, Nashville TN
8: Three Course Lecture series, “Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited: How the Sexual Revolution Changed Society, Politics, and Christianity,” Lecture One, 7-8:00 PM ET
7-8: Keynote, “Rise of the Nones: How Declining Religious Affiliation Is Changing Civil Society,” Conference hosted by the Center for Civil Society, Scottdale, AZ
31: Webinar, Praxis Circle, “Why God? New Arguments for ‘Nones’ to Consider”
24: Keynote at “Nostra Aetate and the Future of Catholic-Jewish Relations at a Time of Rising Anti-Semitism,” co-sponsored by Franciscan University of Steubenville and the Philos Project
10: Speech to the “Restoring Our Faith Summit,” South Burlington, VT
3, 12 PM ET: “In Depth with Mary Eberstadt,” C-SPAN/Book TV, watch live and register: https://www.c-span.org/video/?529816-1/depth-mary-eberstadt
3: Public speech: “Roots of Hope: The Future of Conservatism,” 13th Congress of Polska Wielki Projekt, Warsaw, Poland
12: “How Sex is Re-Writing Modernity,” book talk to the Conservative Women’s Network, Herndon, VA
20: “The Culture vs. the Catholic Counterculture,” St. Thomas More Oratory, Newark, DE
5: “A Catholic Approach to Identity Politics,” 2022 Miller Lecture, University of St. Thomas, Houston, 7:30 PM
11-12: Speech, 2022 Principled Entrepreneurship Conference, co-sponsored by the Napa Institute and the Catholic University of America
24: “What are the Roots of Today’s Political Rage?,” Parliament House, Canberra AU
24: “Standing Firm Against Identity Politics: A Conversation with Peter Kurti, Director of the Culture, Prosperity & Civil Society Program,” Sydney AU
24: “Standing Firm Against Identity Politics: A Conversation with Peter Kurti, Director of the Culture, Prosperity & Civil Society Program,” Sydney AU
25: “The Future of Humanity Passes by way of the Family,” public conversation with Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli, Melbourne AU
26: “Understanding Secularization in the Census,” Inaugural Greg Craven Lecture on Ethics and Politics, The Glynn Institute, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne AU
27: Lecture, “How the West Really Lost God,” Co-sponsored by Campion College AU and the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation, New South Wales
Book and lecture tour in Australia — Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra
4-22: Several lectures at the Tertio Millennio Seminar in Cracow, Poland
24-30: Lectures in the Free Society Seminar, Bratislava and Kosice.
26: Public lecture at the Kolegium Antona Neuwirtha, Bratislava, Slovakia.
7: Commencement Speech at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts, Warner, New Hampshire.
You can read the speech here.
22: University of Dallas, Nichole Tucker Memorial Lecture, “Primal Screams: How the Sexual Revolution Created Identity Politics”.
26: Legatus, North Virginia Chapter, Lecture, “What Really Causes Secularization?”
13: Mary Eberstadt introduces Judge Robert J. Conrad, Jr. at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C., discussing his new book, “John Fisher and Thomas More: Keeping Their Souls While Losing Their Heads”
31-Nov2: National Conservatism Conference II in Orlando, Fl.
15: Acceptance of Society of Catholic Social Scientists’ Pope Pius XI Award: “The Cross Amid the Chaos”.
23: (Virtual) Newman Centre Catholic Mission at University of Toronto. Discussion on Primal Screams.
20: Mary Eberstadt introduces Erika Bachiochi and her new book, “The Rights of Women: Reclaiming A Lost Vision”.
21-25: Napa Conference. Keynote: “Men are at War with God. Now What?”