February 1, 2017

How Protests against Donald Trump Reveal a Class Divide

America is surfing an information tsunami these days. Cabinet appointments, executive orders, Tweet storms.

How Protests against Donald Trump Reveal a Class Divide

America is surfing an information tsunami these days. Cabinet appointments, executive orders, Tweet storms. If keeping up with the new administration isn’t exertion enough, there’s the progressive opposition — rising waves of public nyets against President Donald Trump, his Cabinet and defenders and all their works.

The so-called general strike now being planned for March 8 and the smaller ones leading up to it are the latest in a series of high-profile public protests unmatched in American presidential history. What you make of them depends on which part of the cultural geography you’re occupying.

Early February brought videos of the riot on the University of California at Berkeley’s campus, occasioned by the (cancelled) appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos. I watched onscreen as several hooded demonstrators forced a pro-Yiannopoulos protester to the ground and pummeled him, bloodying his face. A couple of weeks earlier, at the University of Washington’s Seattle campus, an anti-Yiannopoulos protester with the socialist group Industrial Workers of the World was shot; he is still in the hospital.

No doubt about it, Yiannopoulos offends people, especially progressives. He’s as un-P.C as a pro-life, Catholic, conservative, anti-feminist can be.


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