February 15, 2021

Mr. President, Your Allies Are Coming for Your Fellow Catholics

This is my second open letter in Newsweek since your election, trying to reach your ear as a fellow American Catholic.

Mr. President, Your Allies Are Coming for Your Fellow Catholics

Dear President Biden,

This is my second open letter in Newsweek since your election, trying to reach your ear as a fellow American Catholic.

Following your inauguration, my first letter urged you to stand in solidarity with the pro-life movement by sending a message to the annual March for Life in January. Such a magnanimous gesture, I explained, would have underlined the lofty rhetoric of your inaugural address, especially among those whom you singled out for reassurance: Americans who did not vote for you.

To understate, you declined that invitation to bipartisan statesmanship. Instead, your first initiatives in office included executive orders that will swell the number of abortions not only in the United States, but around the world. That longstanding discrepancy between your Church's teaching, on the one hand, and your pro-abortion policies, on the other, might never give you pause. But one other new development should.

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