Media Appearances
November 1, 2023

New ‘Catholics Against Antisemitism’ coalition promises solidarity with Jewish neighbors

Solidarity with the Jewish people isn’t only the right thing to do. It’s the right pro-life thing to do,

New ‘Catholics Against Antisemitism’ coalition promises solidarity with Jewish neighbors

A new coalition of influential Catholic leaders is promising to combat antisemitism and to promote friendship with the American Jewish community amid the devastation of the Israel-Hamas war.

“Solidarity with the Jewish people isn’t only the right thing to do. It’s the right pro-life thing to do,” Mary Eberstadt, the Panula Chair in Christian Culture at the Catholic Information Center and senior research fellow at the Faith & Reason Institute, told Our Sunday Visitor of the Coalition of Catholics Against Antisemitism (CCAAS).

“In a moment when many believers are demoralized and wondering what the Faith means now, the Coalition of Catholics Against Antisemitism affirms a powerful answer,” she added. “Like Jews, Catholics love life. And we stand for life from conception to natural death — including, and emphatically, the lives of our elder brothers and sisters in faith.”

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