January 22, 2021

President Biden, Speak to the March for Life

Mr. President, you have a splendid opportunity to transcend partisanship, exactly as you promised at the inauguration.

President Biden, Speak to the March for Life

Dear Mr. President,

Your inaugural address expounded eloquently on "that most elusive of things in a democracy: unity." In a nation exhausted by polarization and battered for nearly a year by a pandemic, these stirring words were welcome. Small wonder that your speech won praise both at home and around the world.

I am writing to ask that you put that promise of unity into action with a gesture that could reassure one group of people you singled out: Americans who did not vote for you. Mr. President, you have a splendid opportunity to transcend partisanship, exactly as you promised at the inauguration. You can do what no Democratic president has done before you: share a message of solidarity with the March for Life on January 29.

That might strike you as a bold ask. On the one hand, you have reminded the nation throughout your public life that you are a man of faith—specifically, the faith of the Catholic Church. You have said you personally oppose abortion. On the other hand, you have emphasized that your personal opposition does not translate into policy. This demurral has grown increasingly forceful over time. During your presidential campaign, you disavowed your longstanding support for the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits using federal funds to pay for abortions.


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