February 10, 2023

Revisiting Adam and Eve After The Pill: An Interview

Some of the most fundamental building blocks of day to day life – sex, procreation, marriage, family – are under attack

Revisiting Adam and Eve After The Pill: An Interview

The so-called “sexual revolution” has wreaked havoc on the foundations of our society. Some of the most fundamental building blocks of day to day life – sex, procreation, marriage, family – are under attack, and the consequences of this attack are becoming clearer and clearer with time. Mary Eberstadt has once again poised her pen to analyze and diagnose these issues, and provide a roadmap for the future.

Eberstadt is the author of several books, including Adam and Eve after the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution, How the West Really Lost God, and The Loser Letters, and was a contributor to the collection Why Humanae Vitae is Still Right.

Her most recent book is Adam and Eve after the Pill: Revisited (Ignatius Press, 2023). Here she continues her examination of the legacy of the sexual revolution, exploring and dissecting the fallout that has infected society as a result. Specifically, this follow-up volume looks at how society, politics, and Christianity have fared in the decades since the sexual revolution’s genesis. A timely book, it also looks at the Dobbs decision of the Supreme Court, which overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

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