Media Appearances
April 22, 2023

The Sexual Revolution’s Legacy of Chaos and Misery

Nothing has caused more confusion and chaos in contemporary times than the sexual revolution.

The Sexual Revolution’s Legacy of Chaos and Misery

Nothing has caused more confusion and chaos in contemporary times than the sexual revolution. In her series of essays, Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited, Mary Eberstadt seeks to orient us in the midst of the chaos around us.

Seeing the sexual revolution not simply as an enemy of Christian values but a rival religion to Christianity, she makes a strong case for her argument that the sexual revolution has led not to liberation and freedom, but to catastrophe — and it has even infiltrated the Catholic Church.

Yet she writes, “To throw up one’s hands before the world is a dodge — especially for Catholics, especially now, in a moment when many are tempted for more reasons than one to do just that. Believers are called to read the signs of the times, not to whine about them.”

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