November 20, 2017

Where the Revolution Has Led: An Interview With Mary Eberstadt

What are identity politics?

Where the Revolution Has Led: An Interview With Mary Eberstadt

Catholic author Mary Eberstadt is a senior fellow of the Faith & Reason Institute, and the author of several best-selling books, including Adam and Eve After the Pill and How the West Really Lost God. In the Nov. 6 issue of The Weekly Standard, Eberstadt published "The Primal Scream of Identity Politics," an essay exploring the contours of contemporary American politics, our search for identity, and the importance of the family.

In an interview with CNA editor-in-chief JD Flynn, Eberstadt offers important insights for all Catholic Americans.

What are identity politics?

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines identity politics as "political activity and theorizing founded in the shared experiences of injustice of members of certain social groups." This is not politics as usual. It's instead an assertion of identity with one or another group that's said to be oppressed. Believing oneself to be a victim is part and parcel of "identifying" in this way.

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