Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited


"Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited" delves into the broad impacts of the sexual revolution on society and faith.

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Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited
Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited

Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited

Book reviews sexual revolution's impact.

$ 17.81 USD
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Analyzes societal change
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Examines political shift
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Reviews church impacts

With unflinching logic, Eberstadt summarizes the toll on Western society of today's fractured homes, feral children, and social isolates. Empathetic yet precise, she connects the dots between shrinking, broken families and rising sexual confusion, seen most recently in transgenderism and related phenomena. The book also traces the dissolution of the home to signature developments in Western politics, especially the increase in acrimony, polarization, street violence, and identity politics. The result is an indictment of the turn taken by much of the world following the post-1960s embrace of contraception and the stigmatization of traditional morality.

The book's section on the revolution's infiltration of the churches is must-reading for anyone concerned about the fate of Western Christianity. In a moment when millions wonder whether the Catholic Church will retreat from age-old moral teachings, this book demands to be put at the center of discussion.

Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited is both an indispensable blueprint for today's emerging revisionism, and a manifesto for a more humane order to come.