Author. Speaker.

An essayist, novelist, and frequent public speaker, Mary Eberstadt has authored several influential books, including How the West Really Lost God: A New Theory of Secularization; Primal Screams; and Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited.


Mary Eberstadt

Mary Eberstadt grew up in rural upstate New York and graduated magna cum laude from Cornell University with a double major in philosophy and government. She was a four-year Telluride Scholar and served as the first female faculty liaison at Deep Springs College in California, becoming the first woman to vote in the student body there. Her early work included speechwriting for an American Secretary of State and for an American Ambassador to the United Nations. She has been publishing in magazines and newspapers of note since her early twenties. These endeavors laid the foundation for her continuing vocation as a prominent intellectual not only in the United States, but across the West.

Today, Mary Eberstadt holds the Panula Chair in Christian Culture at the Catholic Information Center in Washington DC and is a Senior Research Fellow at the Faith & Reason Institute. Eberstadt's books and essays explore crucial contemporary subjects including the transformation of Western culture under post-modernism and the seismic impacts of the sexual revolution and secularization. Her work has been translated into multiple languages, and her regular appearances outside the United States underscore her influence on contemporary thought. She is married to the author Nicholas Eberstadt, and they have four children.

-On May 7, 2022, Mrs. Eberstadt gave the Commencement Address at Magdalen College of the Liberal Arts in New Hampshire, which awarded her an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters.
-In 2014, Seton Hall University awarded Mrs. Eberstadt an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters.

Praise for Adam and Eve after the Pill, Revisited

View praise for her latest work from world renowned Authors, Speakers, and Public Figures.

“Mary Eberstadt is our most astute commentator on the vast human costs of the sexual revolution. Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited is essential reading for anyone who wants to navigate out of the wreckage of our present age.”

R. R. Reno

Editor, First Things

Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited is a profound series of reflections on the carnage that the sexual revolution has wrought. It’s a wake-up call to everyone—particularly the Church—to be bold in our witness to the truth about human sexuality, as there are human costs to getting human nature wrong.”

Ryan Anderson

President, Ethics and Public Policy Center; Author, When Harry Became Sally

“This brilliant and courageous book offers both a surgically precise dissection of the social, cultural, religious, and political effects of the sexual revolution and a powerful plea for a compassionate Christian response to the wreckage the revolution has wrought. Anyone who cares about the human future should read, mark, inwardly digest—and then act upon—Mary Eberstadt’s summons to a nobler conception of our nature and destiny.”

George Weigel

Author, The Fragility of Order and The Next Pope

“Mary Eberstadt has given us a great resource to help us not only navigate through this sea of confusion and insanity, but guide the Barque of Peter to once again be a light in the darkness.”

Teresa Tomeo

Author, Extreme Makeover: Women Transformed by Christ, Not Conformed to the Culture

“Mary Eberstadt notices disquieting social trends well ahead of the rest of us, uncovering their often paradoxical causes with the acuity of a surgeon, the dexterity of an artist, and the wisdom of a sage. She makes a penetrating—and heartfelt—appeal to the Church and the world once again.”

Erika Bachiochi

Author, The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision

“Mary Eberstadt’s cultural analysis is insightful, serious, and sane—an example of the prophetic discernment and courage to which God calls all believers. This book matters for everyone who cares about human flourishing, loving the marginalized, and proclaiming the Christian Gospel.”

J. D. Flynn

Editor-in-Chief, The Pillar
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