South of the Border

South of the Border Mary Eberstadt starts at the 43:50 mark on the podcast. “We’re late –really late– so we’re going to make this brief: we’ve got our old friend Mickey Kaus to talk about Biden’s immigration policy, California politics, and other assorted...

Biden and the Catholic Faith

Biden and the Catholic Faith President Biden might go to Mass and pray the Rosary, but his faith certainly does not seem evident with his policies. From abortion to religious freedom, he is on the exact opposite side that a Catholic ought to be on. And he seems to be...

Riots and the Cry for the Father

Riots and the Cry for the Father “…Behind these protests, behind these people screaming in the street, is a deep suffering that has been brought on by a crisis of paternity. This is not only about literal fatherlessness — although when 40 percent of kids...

Is Fatherlessness Tearing America Apart?

Is Fatherlessness Tearing America Apart? The Spectator’s Freddy Gray interviews on the Americano podcast essayist Mary Eberstadt, whose recent article for First Things argued that the riots in the wake of George Floyd’s killing come down to the sexual...
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